Physiological Assessments
This pain free assessment is recommended to anyone wanting to assess their health, and improve their dietary/nutritional game.
We take a deep look at your recorded nutritional intake during the last seven days, and your nutritional preferences, as well as your metabolic health, and base metabolic rate, and body composition to create dietary strategies that would help you optimize health, and performance (if applicable).
Vo2max or maximum oxygen update is fantastic tool to assess health and performance. In simple terms, V02max is considered the best predictor of longevity (as it affects lungs, heart, and blood pressure), and is one of the most import key determinant in any aerobic related performance.
You will receive a detailed report with training zones (including Z2), caloric energy needs @ intensities, and potential limiters.
We wanted to offer this assessment for the toughest athletes out there, this test is very short (the intense part is 180seconds long) but is... painfully hard - despite of its duration and well performed correctly it gives a lot of insight about the energy systems notably W' (your anaerobic capacity), Vo2max, and Critical power (FTP).
Beyond that it is also a test of emotional and psychological resistance. This test is best suited on a stationary bike.
While the Performance Recovery Profile test may give rough insights on training zones, it is made assess the ability to recover from intense efforts and to identify physiological limiters.
The PrP test is best suited for endurance athletes who have to undergo bouts of short efforts, or where tactics are important. Examples would be Criterium riders, Squash/racquet sports, Ball sport athletes etc.
The Pro assessment is an extremely comprehensive assessment of the physiological system through effort. After a comprehensive analysis of Vo2 inhaled, and exhaled, respiratory frequency and efficiency, the real time changes in Smo2, and Thb @ multiple points, changes in HR and HRV, changes in temperature at skin level and in the body, and more we are able to create a full physiological picture with recommendations to bring you a step closer to your performance and racing goals, whatever they may be.

A medical grade caliper made to estimate body density, and body composition. It is used during the metabolic assessment.
We like to use these results when determining body composition and weight goals, as well as using them to create an estimated BMR based on lean body mass, which we then compare to measured BMR via gas exchange.

Spirometric analysis
To better understand underlying condition, and to compare Vo2 utilization during rest and exercise at higher intensity we run a spirometry test. This test can also be used to signal the presence of obstructive or restrictive underlying issues in the breathing pathway.

Smo2 and Thb
Smo2 (oxygen muscle saturation) and Thb are extremely valuable metric who can highlight performance thresholds, mitochondrial function, and limiters (oxygen supply limitation, or utilization limitation). Together with Thb (total hemoglobin) work flow in 3-4 places around the body they offer a deep look at the energy system in action.
Pairing them with Vo2 offers a complete picture.

Vo2 - EqVo2 -
The Vo2master allows us to precisely track Airflow (V02, Rf, Tv, Ve, Eq02, Fe02) outside the lab. These metrics can be used to do a multitude of things such as precisely estimating base metabolic rate, assessing vo2max, and looking at breathing & respiratory efficiency.

The metabolic assessment is the perfect tool to understand precisely your caloric need, and implement tailor made nutritional strategies
Book today or contact us for more information!
Note that certain assessments are included in memberships, and that you are eligible for discounts from the second assessment onward!